Who we are?

We are sons of soil, We are into Farming, We cultivate Malabar Neem !! Best Investment on Earth is in “Earth” Land is one of the most overlooked and misunderstood real estate investments. It's an unfortunate misconception, because the truth is – vacant land is capable of producing some serious cash flow and it's one of the best investments on earth because of its hands-off nature and versatility. At Neemsboro, we envision the creation of a sustainable and Profitable business model which can create value and support Economic and Environmental initiatives for all Stake holders, Individual Investors and Future generations. By taking up cultivation of Malabar Neem, we wish to Contribute to attractive and sustainable communities and add value to the lives of those who invest.

Neemsboro works with progressive people in building a profiable and sustainable business. We are a team of stratagists and thought leaders, innovating approaches to promote farming culture and derive profitable, multiple avenues from a single source of investment.
